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What to expect

An initial free of charge telephone consultation will be offered:

This is an opportunity for you and your family member to discuss your communication difficulties and to find out what speech and language therapy can do to help.  You are invited to ask any questions before committing to an initial assessment.


An assessment of speech, language and communication skills:

This will take an hour to complete.  A discussion will gather a comprehensive case history.  This will be followed by formal, standardised assessments and informal observations as approprate.  Information about the nature of the communication dificulty will be offered and a treatment plan jointly agreed.  Verbal advice will be provided and a written report will be available (within two weeks) if requested.


Individual therapy session:

These sessions will last 45 minutes. The number of sessions within a block of therapy is flexible and dependent upon the aims of your personal treatment plan. Appropriate resources will be used to target specific therapy goals. Ideas and activities will be discussed for appropriate practice at home.


Review therapy session:

These sessions will last 45-60 minutes. Re-assessment may be used to demonstrate progress and identify areas of difficulty.  Further therapy aims will be considered and discussed, as required.



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